General Table

Dynamic Update:
Update on : DD/MM/YYY   HH:MM
Alarm Severity NE ID AID Type AID Alarm Description EMS Date Time NE Date Time Service Effect Location Direction Acknowledg User Date & Time Of Acknowledgment Actions
Critical Port S100 Lorem Ipsum 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 Yes NA NA Admin 2/1/2023
Minor Port S100 Lorem Ipsum 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 Yes NA NA Admin 2/1/2023
Warning Port S100 Lorem Ipsum 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 Yes NA NA Admin 2/1/2023
Critical Port S100 Lorem Ipsum 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 Yes NA NA Admin 2/1/2023
Critical Port S100 Lorem Ipsum 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 Yes NA NA Admin 2/1/2023
Critical Port S100 Lorem Ipsum 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 Yes NA NA Admin 2/1/2023
Critical Port S100 Lorem Ipsum 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 Yes NA NA Admin 2/1/2023
Critical Port S100 Lorem Ipsum 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 Yes NA NA Admin 2/1/2023
Critical Port S100 Lorem Ipsum 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 Yes NA NA Admin 2/1/2023
Critical Port S100 Lorem Ipsum 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 Yes NA NA Admin 2/1/2023
Critical Port S100 Lorem Ipsum 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 Yes NA NA Admin 2/1/2023
Critical Port S100 Lorem Ipsum 1/4/2023 1/4/2023 Yes NA NA Admin 2/1/2023

Dynamic Update:
Update on : DD/MM/YYY   HH:MM
Name State Standing Condition Protection Role Operational Status Swtitching Entity Source Target Protection Level Protection Type Central Frequency Layer
AdeKunle Tamilnadu 72 43 78 73 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AdeKunle Tamilnadu 72 43 78 73 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AdeKunle Tamilnadu 72 43 78 73 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AdeKunle Tamilnadu 72 43 78 73 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AdeKunle Tamilnadu 72 43 78 73 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AdeKunle Tamilnadu 72 43 78 73 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AdeKunle Tamilnadu 72 43 78 73 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AdeKunle Tamilnadu 72 43 78 73 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AdeKunle Tamilnadu 72 43 78 73 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
AdeKunle Tamilnadu 72 43 78 73 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
       <div class="row">
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                  <span class="br-left table-span-date">Update on : DD/MM/YYY  &nbsp; HH:MM</span>
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               <div class="table-responsive">
                  <table class="table table-bordered">
                     <thead class="bordered table-bg no-bg">
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" value="" id="flexCheckIndeterminates">
                                 <label class="form-check-label" for="flexCheckDefault">
                           <th> Alarm Severity </th>
                           <th> NE ID </th>
                           <th> AID Type </th>
                           <th> AID </th>
                           <th> Alarm Description </th>
                           <th> EMS Date Time </th>
                           <th> NE Date Time </th>
                           <th> Service Effect </th>
                           <th> Location </th>
                           <th> Direction </th>
                           <th> Acknowledg User </th>
                           <th class="white-space"> Date & Time Of Acknowledgment </th>
                           <th> Actions </th>
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck1" checked>
                           <td> <span><img class="table-icon" src="assets/img/warningflag.svg"></span> Critical</td>
                           <td> </td>
                           <td> Port</td>
                           <td> S100</td>
                           <td> Lorem Ipsum</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> Yes</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> Admin</td>
                           <td> 2/1/2023</td>
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-2.svg"></span> 
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-1.svg"></span>
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck1" checked>
                           <td> <span><img class="table-icon" src="assets/img/info.svg"></span> Minor</td>
                           <td> </td>
                           <td> Port</td>
                           <td> S100</td>
                           <td> Lorem Ipsum</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> Yes</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> Admin</td>
                           <td> 2/1/2023</td>
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-2.svg"></span> 
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-1.svg"></span>
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck1" checked>
                           <td> <span><img class="table-icon" src="assets/img/section-info.svg"></span> Warning</td>
                           <td> </td>
                           <td> Port</td>
                           <td> S100</td>
                           <td> Lorem Ipsum</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> Yes</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> Admin</td>
                           <td> 2/1/2023</td>
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-2.svg"></span> 
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-1.svg"></span>
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck1" checked>
                           <td> <span><img class="table-icon" src="assets/img/warningflag.svg"></span> Critical</td>
                           <td> </td>
                           <td> Port</td>
                           <td> S100</td>
                           <td> Lorem Ipsum</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> Yes</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> Admin</td>
                           <td> 2/1/2023</td>
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-2.svg"></span> 
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-1.svg"></span>
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck1" checked>
                           <td> <span><img class="table-icon" src="assets/img/warningflag.svg"></span> Critical</td>
                           <td> </td>
                           <td> Port</td>
                           <td> S100</td>
                           <td> Lorem Ipsum</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> Yes</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> Admin</td>
                           <td> 2/1/2023</td>
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-2.svg"></span> 
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-1.svg"></span>
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck1" checked>
                           <td> <span><img class="table-icon" src="assets/img/warningflag.svg"></span> Critical</td>
                           <td> </td>
                           <td> Port</td>
                           <td> S100</td>
                           <td> Lorem Ipsum</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> Yes</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> Admin</td>
                           <td> 2/1/2023</td>
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-2.svg"></span> 
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-1.svg"></span>
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck1" checked>
                           <td> <span><img class="table-icon" src="assets/img/warningflag.svg"></span> Critical</td>
                           <td> </td>
                           <td> Port</td>
                           <td> S100</td>
                           <td> Lorem Ipsum</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> Yes</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> Admin</td>
                           <td> 2/1/2023</td>
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-2.svg"></span> 
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-1.svg"></span>
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck1" checked>
                           <td> <span><img class="table-icon" src="assets/img/warningflag.svg"></span> Critical</td>
                           <td> </td>
                           <td> Port</td>
                           <td> S100</td>
                           <td> Lorem Ipsum</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> Yes</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> Admin</td>
                           <td> 2/1/2023</td>
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-2.svg"></span> 
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-1.svg"></span>
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck1" checked>
                           <td> <span><img class="table-icon" src="assets/img/warningflag.svg"></span> Critical</td>
                           <td> </td>
                           <td> Port</td>
                           <td> S100</td>
                           <td> Lorem Ipsum</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> Yes</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> Admin</td>
                           <td> 2/1/2023</td>
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-2.svg"></span> 
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-1.svg"></span>
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck1" checked>
                           <td> <span><img class="table-icon" src="assets/img/warningflag.svg"></span> Critical</td>
                           <td> </td>
                           <td> Port</td>
                           <td> S100</td>
                           <td> Lorem Ipsum</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> Yes</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> Admin</td>
                           <td> 2/1/2023</td>
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-2.svg"></span> 
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-1.svg"></span>
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck1" checked>
                           <td> <span><img class="table-icon" src="assets/img/warningflag.svg"></span> Critical</td>
                           <td> </td>
                           <td> Port</td>
                           <td> S100</td>
                           <td> Lorem Ipsum</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> Yes</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> Admin</td>
                           <td> 2/1/2023</td>
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-2.svg"></span> 
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-1.svg"></span>
                              <div class="text-center">
                                 <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="gridCheck1" checked>
                           <td> <span><img class="table-icon" src="assets/img/warningflag.svg"></span> Critical</td>
                           <td> </td>
                           <td> Port</td>
                           <td> S100</td>
                           <td> Lorem Ipsum</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> 1/4/2023</td>
                           <td> Yes</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> NA</td>
                           <td> Admin</td>
                           <td> 2/1/2023</td>
                              <span><img class="action-icon" src="assets/img/Action-2.svg"></span> 
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                           <th class="border-bottom" colspan="2">Source</th>
                           <th class="border-bottom" colspan="2">Target</th>
                           <th rowspan="2" >Protection Level</th>
                           <th rowspan="2" >Protection Type</th>
                           <th rowspan="2" >Central Frequency</th>
                           <th  rowspan="2" >Layer</th>
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